Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Name- New Look- Now in HD!

While we've been busy finishing this season's wedding edits, we did some editing to the studio also! We have a new corporate identity, pictured in the blog header you see above, and new company colors: chocolate & pink. We changed the name to 'Joseph F Bauer Studios' to better describe the type of contemporary boutique service that we offer, and had a new logo designed. Pretty cool?
To go along with all those changes, we'll now be shooting in HD. The technology has advanced to the point where we can't deny that an HD picture is clearer and more detailed, and the cameras which we've just purchased are just as sensitive in low light as our old SD cameras, so no worries about bringing flood lights with us to the reception!! We're excited. It's going to be a great year for artistic video and a great year for our new company! We're shooting our first HD wedding in January, and well post some clips both here and on our website ( for you to check out.